
Gallery LOD is a combined gallery and workshop showcasing the work of five metal designers in Stockholm at Kungsholmen since 1999.

Together we have a wide range of talents and skillsets that reflect in the pieces we create. Our work range from wedding rings to unique one off silver objects, product design and small scale production series. We exhibit in international exhibitions, both as a group and as individuals.

Twice a year we showcase international cutting edge silverware from specially selected silversmiths at Gallery LOD.


Visit us at Instagram!

Visit us at:
Norra Agnegatan 40,
112 29 Stockholm.
Tel: + 46 (0) 8 652 22 28

Our opening hours:
Tuesday – Friday 11-18, Saturday 11-15

Anna Nordström e-mail: anna.nordstrom@lod.nu

Pernilla Sylwan e-mail, pernilla.sylwan@lod.nu

Erik Tidäng e-mail, erik.tidang@lod.nu

Petronella Eriksson e-mail, petronella.eriksson@lod.nu

Klara Eriksson e-mail, klara.eriksson@lod.nu

2 svar på ”English”

  1. I found your website through the Steinbesser experience with pictures of Maki Okamoto. Do you know about the existance of the international Hammerclub?
    It might be interesting to come to a meeting (next year in Pforzheim) for you.
    When you want to be on the mailinglist, please let me know.
    More info: hammerclub.eu
    with kind regards,
    Maja Houtman

    1. Hej Maja.

      Thank you for thinking about us! Yes, me and Tobias has been there twice, Erik one time. We had a great time.
      Its time for us to participate soon again 🙂 Might see you there.

      All the best
      Klara Eriksson

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