Adi Toch – Shifting Space

Adi Toch, blue dimple bowls.

Opening Thursday 16:00-19:00 the 25th of October at Galleri LOD

Adi Toch

Shifting Space

A proud Gallery LOD invites Stockholm, Sweden and the world beyond to an exhibition with one of the most influential hollowware makers of our time. Adi Toch comes to LOD with exquisite pieces and engaging craftpoetry. We have followed Adis development as a maker for a long time now and are proud to finally have her works at our Gallery. The Artist will be present towards the end of the exhibition. Due to sickness we will get back to you with a specific date for when Adi will be present. Show opening Thursday the 25th of October. Save the date!

The exhibition will continue until November 17th 2018.

Welcome all!

Adi Toch explores the visual language of metal through colour, movement, sound and tactility. She makes engaging objects that investigate the embodiment of vessels and containers.

Follow the link to Adi Toch

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