Adi Toch på LOD
Välkommen på vernissage torsdagen den 25:e oktober kl.16–19 på Galleri LOD.
Vi bjuder in Stockholm med omnejd till ett möte med en av samtidens starkaste korpuskonstnärer. Med engagerande korpus ställer Adi ut på LOD. Vi har sedan länge följt Adis arbete och är nu otroligt glada över att kunna visa hennes föremål. Du har möjlighet att träffa Adi på vernissagen torsdagen den 25/10, boka datumet.
Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 17/11 2018.
Varmt välkomna!
Galleri LOD
Statement och kort bio: Adi Toch explores the visual language of metal through colour, movement, sound and tactility. She makes engaging objects that investigate the embodiment of vessels and containers. Beginning with a flat sheet, Adi forms and fabricates the metal into hollow forms. She creates unique surfaces through texturing, colouring and patination.
Her work is exhibited internationally and included in major public collections such as The Victoria and Albert museum in London, National Museums Scotland, National Museum of Wales and The Jewish Museum New York. Adi has won prestigious awards including a Gold Award from The Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Council UK. In 2017, she was shortlisted for The Loewe Craft Prize and won a Wallpaper* Design Award.
Adi is a lecturer at Edinburgh College of Art, The Cass in London and Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. She speaks regularly at conferences in the UK and internationally.