Nu tar vi sommaruppehåll i butiks och galleriverksamheten på LOD

LOD Metallformgivning

Sommarstängt den 23/6 – 15/8

När sommaren kommer stänger vi butiken och galleriet. Det betyder om du vill komma och besöka en av oss eller butiken behöver du ta kontakt innan för att veta att du kommer in. Butiken är stängd men vi kommer att vara där och arbeta sporadiskt och oplanerat, det är sommartider.

Säkrast når du oss via mejl på vi hjälper hjärtligt gärna till om vi kan. Eller direkt till formgivare enligt mejllänkar här på hemsidan.

Vi önskar dig en sommar med  goda smaker och mycket upplevelser av doft och natur!

GLAD SOMMAR önskar vi på LOD.

LOD ställer ut i Florens, Preziosa 2017

Näckros, silver och citronkvarts.Petronella eriksson
Näckros. Petronella Eriksson. Foto Christian Habetzeder.

Nya förhållnigssätt till korpus

Bottecelli Gallery den 24-28 maj 2017

LOD ställer ut under Florens smyckevecka på Bottecelli Gallery. Utställningen är kurerad av Inger Wästberg. Många utställningar pågår samtidigt även föreläsningar. 

För mer information: Preziosa 2017


Myra Mimlitsch-Gray at LOD



Myra Mimlitsch-Gray

Opening on Saturday March 18, 2017
12.00 to 16.00, at Gallery LOD

LOD Proudly presents Myra Mimlitsch-Gray, The North American voice of Corpus. Myra explores and pushes the borders within the field of Metal Art. Please join us in meeting her at the opening!

Whatnot presents divergent yet connected series. A familiar object is realized abstractly — exaggerated and surreal — while retaining its reference to domestic utility. In another work, the process of making is documented in the object: time passing. Sketch, action, and image are frozen together in the constructed metal outcome. Content is in the action and the moment; the object is a document of this realization.

The exhibition will be open until April 7, 2017.




1. informal
used to refer to an item or items that are not identified but are felt to have something in common with items already named.
”little flashing digital displays, electric zooms and whatnots”

2. a stand with shelves for small objects.

Länk till Myras hemsida : Myra Mimlitsch-Grey

Länk till Myras biografi ( PDF ): Myra Mimlitsch-Gray:BIOGRAPHY

Länk till Myras artist statment ( PDF ) : Myra Mimlitsch-Gray:STATEMENT- WHATNOT

Länk till Myras CV ( PDF ) : Myra Mimlitsch-Gray CV

Fit for Nothing, David Clarke ställer ut på LOD

Fit for Nothing, tenn av David Clarke.
Fit for Nothing, tenn av David Clarke.

Fit for Nothing – David Clarke

Vernissage 1st October 2016. Open from 12.00 to 16.00 at Gallery LOD, Stockholm.

A ’pick and mix’ of ’odds and sods’ from the last 5 years reveals the curiosity and attitude that Clarke brings to the field of Corpus. Clarke actively plays with the intention of breaking down some of the traditions this craft holds onto by bastardizing materials and flipping function sideways. Currently he is investigating the ancient process of casting and exploring new potential though this process. For Fit For Nothing there will be a mix of one off pieces, limited edition as well as production. Clarke develops a very distinct visual language through a wealth of covetable objects that explore differing emotional content from the down right humorous through to the deeply poignant.

David is one of the strongest metalsmiths currently working and easily the most prominent avant garde figure in the medium in the UK. Through his own studio work, he has mounted a vibrant challenge to settled assumptions about his medium. While he is capable of good craftsmanship, the value of his work is primarily expressive, conceptual and poetic. And because of his rather devilish turn of mind – he has a wicked sense of humor and satire, and an ability to poke holes in inflated values – he has had a dramatic effect in exhibition contexts here. He is like a jester in the court of contemporary craft.

Glenn Adamson, Director of the Museum of Arts & Design. NYC

The exhibition will be open until October 15th, 2016.

Välkommen/Welcome, Gallery LOD

David Clarke

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