Makiami Plants Collection is now at O-Jewe in Tokyo!

Makiami at Ojewel_ sign of spring

Another collaboration between Maki and O-Jewel in Tokyo.

Maki is having a solo exhibition with Makiami  Plants collection ”Sign of Spring”

Exhibition: Feb 12 (thu) – 28 (sat) / 2015
Opening hours: 12:00-19:00 (sunday & holiday closed)
Address: O-Jewel // K&K B2 PALOMAPLAZA/ 3-13-15 Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo
makiami_ojewel_sign of spring2_2015

Risshun, which falls in early February, is the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar. According to the East Calendar used since ancient times, Risshun marks the beginning of spring and the year. We usually say ‟Spring breeze melts the ice” to express the early feeling of spring like these days. If we can perceive delicately such transition, we will discover a new unordinary world while having a good feeling about the future. Although time passes by so fast in our ordinary life. /o-jewel

Sign of Spring
PLANTS collection by makiami
makiami PLANTS collection is a group of jewellery which is inspired by common plants in Scandinavian, such as wildflowers in country side or archipelago. Some of them are modeled after nostalgic forms from old botanical illustrations of plants.
In this exhibition “Sign of Spring” at O-Jewel, we exhibit items that are suitable for this season from our PLANTS collection.
Such as sprouts coming out in between snow, swelling blossom buds etc…
We hope that we can bring a sign of spring to you from Sweden.
/ makiami

( makiami is a Stockholm-based art/design unit by Maki Okamoto and Ami Izaki. )

Makiami_Maki Okamoto_Ami Izaki

Makiami Plants Collection 東京にて初お披露目です。

また違う風景があなたの目の前に広がり始めるかもしれません。/ O-Jewel

Sign of Spring
PLANTS Collection by makiami
makiami PLANTS collectionは、北欧の田舎や諸島に咲く野草、
/ makiami

( makiamiはスウェーデン、ストックホルムで活動するアート・デザインユニット。岡本真希井崎亜美が企画制作。)

makiami_ojewel_sign of spring3_2015
Installation by Chitose Ohchi


Rapport från Maki Okamotos utställning/event ”Thinking Through Eating” på O-Jewel i Tokyo.

O-Jewel Thinking through eating

På juldagen hade Maki ett event med sina arbeten i Tokyo ett sammarbete med O-Jewel och Chitose Ohchi

Galleriet O-Jewel bjöd in gäster att äta specialgjord princesstårta med Makis bestick från projektet ”The Spoon”. Det blev en stor succé.

Extra roligt var att det kom så många barnfamiljer. Galleristen på O-Jewel, som heter Chitose Ohchi är en fantastisk människa som med sin personlighet och sitt engagemang transformerar Makis arbeten till en Japansk publik för förta gången  Håll utkik efter fler samarbeten med henne inom kort!

Bilderna är tagna av underbara  Tetsu Koyanagi. Stort tack!

Maki Okamoto exhibits in Tokyo

CSP 2013
Photo from Creative Spiral Exhibition 2013

Exhibition in Tokyo, ”Creative Spiral Project”

Maki Okamoto will take part in an exhibition in Tokyo. The group exhibition is organized by Tokyo Zokei University, the school where Maki took a BA in sculpture. This exhibition is a part of a project called the “Creative Spiral Project”.

The exhibition runs from 23 November until 2 December 2014, at the Kuwasawa Design School in Shibuya Tokyo, Japan. A symposium will be held the 28th, where Maki will be one of the speakers.

link to the website :

Extract from the project description:

An artist cannot show her idea to an audience without the use of material. Which material should be used? What tools are needed, and how should the work be constructed? These questions are always a part of the artistic process. Many artists worked with these questions, and developed many different solutions. These solutions have grown to become the variety of artistic techniques we have today.

At this exhibition, we have focused on the relation between techniques and expression. We are showing the work of six artists; Youhei Imamura, Yuichi Enomoto, Maki Okamoto, Yuko Someya, Yuichi Higurashi, Keisuke Yamamoto. (Translation by Maki Okamoto)