Schmuck 2014 in München

Tobias Birgersson and Maki Okamoto visited Schmuck 2014 in München.

Every year in March, there is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 during the International Trade Fair. During the week, there are a lot of exhibitions in the whole town. They are not only in galleries but also at for instance a cafe, a foundry and an artist’s atelier.

We would like to share our experience of some exhibitions and work that inspired us.

Kosmos Kino by Vivi Touloumidi, Beatrice Brovia, Nicolas Cheng

Kosmos Kino Schmuck 2014
Brooches by Vivi Touloumidi , volcanic pumice stones, steel, photo by Vivi Touloumidi
Kosmos Kino Schmuck 2014
Kino by Beatrice Brovia, Nicolas Cheng, brooch, optical film, crystal(amethyst), gold, tantalum, photo by Tobias alm



by Alexander Blank, Kiko Gianocca, Melanie Isverding, Florian Weichsberger

bonzo gonzo Schmuck 2014
bonzo gonzo, photo by Tobias Alm
bonzo gonzo Schmuck 2014
necklaces by Florian Weichsberger, photo by Tobias Alm

48 KILOGRAM LIGHT by Nadine Kuffner, Janina Stübler, Annamaria Leiste

48 KILOGRAM LIGHT  Schmuck 2014
48 KILOGRAM LIGHT, photo by Tobias Alm


48 KILOGRAM LIGHT  Schmuck 2014
Ring by Annamaria Leiste, hedgehog needles, photo by Tobias Alm

 Petronella’s ring was shown at PLATINA’s exhibition at the fair!

The exhibition was representing The book ”Contemporary Swedish Art Jewellery” By Inger Wästberg.

Petronella Eriksson näckros silver ring grenar blomma Bergkristall
Petronella Eriksson näckros silver ring grenar blomma Bergkristall
 more info about Schmuck 2014 and interesting sites :
Art jewelry forum


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