Vernissage Torsdagen den 1a oktober mellan 12-18.
1-4 oktober kommer Stockholm Craft week tillbaka. LOD deltar för andra året i rad med verk av Andrew Hayes ur arbetet ”The book as an object”
”The book as an object is full of fact and story. I take my sensory appreciation for the book as a material and employ the use of metal to create a new form, and hopefully a new story.”
Den amerikanska skulptören Andrew Hayes arbeten visas exklusivt under Sthlm Craft Week på Galleri LOD. Med järn och böcker som material skapar Andrew nya historier. Material som har helt olika värden, historiskt och i samtid. Sammanförda blir de någonting helt nytt och får sin egen berättar röst.
Förra årets upplaga av Stockholm Craft Week blev en stor succé med med en uppsjö av evenemang, seminarier och utställningar runt om i Stockholm och Gustavsberg. Branschen öppnade upp dörrarna för att uppmärksamma det exceptionella och mångfacetterade konstfältet. Mer om evenemanget HÄR
Öppentider för Stockholm Craft week på LOD;
Torsdag 12-18
Fredag 11-18
Lördag 11-16
Söndag stängt
Andrew Hayes grew up in Tucson, Arizona and studied sculpture at Northern Arizona University.The desert landscape inspired much of his early sculptural work and allowed him to cultivate his style in fabricated steel.After leaving school,Andrew worked in the industrial welding trade. While living in Portland, Oregon, bouncing between welding jobs and creating his own work he was invited to the EMMA collaboration. This one-week experience was liberating for Andrew and he was encouraged by his fellow collaborators to apply to the Core Fellowship at Penland School of Crafts. During his time as a Core Fellow, Andrew was able to explore a variety of materials and techniques. Surprisingly, the book became a big part of this exploration. In this work he faces the challenge of marrying the rigid qualities of metal with the delicacy of the book page.
His work has been embraced by collectors and he has been included in exhibitions and collections at Yale University, Hartford University, the Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey and the Mesa Contemporary Art Museum in Mesa, Arizona to name a few.
Vi tackar för samarbete runt utställningen som tillkommit med hjälp av Iaspis, Mötesplats Steneby, Leksands folkhögskola och Göteborgs universitet.